The Daalder Collection of Ethnic Jewellery and Adornment, after 2007
Enameled Hair Pin from China

Enameled Hair Pin from China

The swastika in the center is the Mandarin Chinese character, wàn. It signifies celestial virtues and infinite prosperity. Buddhists from India brought it to China around 2000 years ago. Continue Reading

Belt from Daghestan

Belt from Daghestan

This belt is from Kubachi, Daghestan. Literature: Jewellery from the Orient: Treasures from the Dr. Bir Collection, p. 275, shows two belts with just such a semi-circular clasp as specifically coming from Kubachi. Kubachi produced large numbers of enamelled pieces of jewelry. The Daghestani smiths were fabled for their fine work, which we see in… Continue Reading