The Daalder Collection of Ethnic Jewellery and Adornment, after 2007
Braid Ornament (Jadai Nagam) from India

Braid Ornament (Jadai Nagam) from India

The Jadai Nagam has a hallowed place in Hindu tradition and mythology. Krishna is said to have defeated the evil multi-headed serpent Kaliya, who was poisoning the Yamuna River. Indian women’s long black braids falling down to the knees are supposed to resemble the black cobra. The Jadai Nagam, or hair serpent, is the braid’s decoration. It is one of the three most important pieces of women’s bridal jewelry in South India. This piece comes from Tamil Nadu.

Although our example is made of silver, they are rare in silver, for most are made of gold.

Silver Bangle from India

Silver Bangle from India

This silver bangle from Madras (Chennai) or Tamil Nadu, India, is intended to be worn by a married woman and to enhance fertility through the phallic symbols surrounding the basic circle. Continue Reading