The Daalder Collection of Ethnic Jewellery and Adornment, after 2007
Miao Torc from China

Miao Torc from China

This Miao piece is clearly used, but not an antique. However, it is completely in tune with the typical traditional Miao aesthetic in its superior, inventive design. In a very practical way, the ornament closes at the front. Both the pointed cones and the two linked S-shaped components are archetypal in Miao culture. The point… Continue Reading

Fibula from Morocco

Fibula from Morocco

A wonderful ancient Moroccan silver alloy (and glass) fibula from Tiznit Province in our possession. A piece of great character. Note the ancient “native” repairs. And the difference between a piece like this and so many of its inferior modern counterparts. As for the technique: each “wormhole” one sees here is in fact an individual… Continue Reading