The Daalder Collection of Ethnic Jewellery and Adornment, after 2007
Comb from Minangkabau, Indonesia

Comb from Minangkabau, Indonesia

“While most Indonesian sow-back combs… are found in Lampung and are usually referred to as Lampung combs, it appears that they were manufactured in West Sumatra by the Minangkabau who excelled in this work” (Bruce W. Carpenter, Ethnic Jewellery from Indonesia, 2012, p.125 – commenting on a very similar comb illustrated there). The back of the comb is virtually identical to the front. The Minangkabau are usually – and we believe rightly – admired as being among the finest producers of gilt silver and gold jewelry. We bought this comb in 2014.

Ornamental Lacquered Comb from Indonesia

Ornamental Lacquered Comb from Indonesia

A nice generous piece, 13 cm high and 13.5 cm wide. We acquired it in 2014, so it is not shown in Truus Daalder’s Ethnic Jewellery and Adornment, which was published in 2009, although that contains another – but different – example on p. 182. There seems to be uncertainty about the meaning of the… Continue Reading

Ceremonial Crown from Indonesia

Ceremonial Crown from Indonesia

Called a pa sangko, lengkar suon, this crown is normally surmounted by sprays of gold tinsel leaves. It is worn by brides in South Sumatra, Bengkulu, and Lampung, Indonesia, and also used for dancing by young girls. See, for the type, Richter-Carpenter’s splendid and informative book Gold Jewellery of the Indonesian Archipelago, pp. 268-9. Continue Reading