The Daalder Collection of Ethnic Jewellery and Adornment, after 2007
Fibula, Morocco

Fibula, Morocco

In this piece, silver, niello and a deep-red glass stone make a robust visual impact. The fibula would have been one of a pair. A layer of brass supports the silver layer above. Sarah Corbett commented in 2011: “An anti-Atlas piece in the fabrication style of ida ou semial pieces, but I would chance that this beauty is possibly from Arkhass.”

Balkan Belt (Jakicar) from Montenegro / Albania

Balkan Belt (Jakicar) from Montenegro / Albania

The disc shown “on top” actually hangs down from the bottom of the belt, and clearly something (a female utentsil, or a sword) would have often been attached to it. There is no doubt that these belts, often referred to as jakicar, were made in particular in Albania, probably also elsewhere in the Balkans. An… Continue Reading