The Daalder Collection of Ethnic Jewellery and Adornment, after 2007
Ottoman Belt Buckle

Ottoman Belt Buckle

This buckle has a remarkable amount of character. The type is usually referred to as “Bulgarian,” which does provide an indication to us today, but is not a very exact term as generally a buckle like this would have come from what historically is known as “Thrace” or somewhere close to that area. This is… Continue Reading

Ornamental Lacquered Comb from Indonesia

Ornamental Lacquered Comb from Indonesia

A nice generous piece, 13 cm high and 13.5 cm wide. We acquired it in 2014, so it is not shown in Truus Daalder’s Ethnic Jewellery and Adornment, which was published in 2009, although that contains another – but different – example on p. 182. There seems to be uncertainty about the meaning of the… Continue Reading

Bag from Papua New Guinea

Bag from Papua New Guinea

This is a rare bag from the western part of the island of New Guinea, now under control of Indonesia, and generally referred to as Papua. The piece is made of boars’ tusks and fibre, including orchid fibre (yellow). The cassowary bone which is prominent at the front and sticks out at the bottom must… Continue Reading

Fibulae from Morocco

Fibulae from Morocco

The triangular shape is emblematic of the female sex organ and is linked to fertility and fecundity. The one on the left (repaired) weighs 135 grams, and the one on the right 131 grams. The technique of “worm hole” making used in these pieces comes from the southern part of the Anti-Atlas mountains, and in… Continue Reading